A Land Leveler, also known as a land grader, is a tool used in agriculture to level and smooth out fields before planting or after harvesting. This tool is typically attached to a tractor and is used to grade the land by removing spots and creating a smooth and even surface.
A land leveler can be used to smooth out the field and create a consistent seedbed and loosen the soil which can lead to better crop yields and is good for efficient planting.
Land Leveler is to prepare a field for harvesting. When a field is uneven, it can be difficult for harvesters to collect the crops properly. A land leveler can be used to smooth out the field, making it easier for harvesting and planting. Land Levelers can also be used to improve drainage in a field and improve the irrigation process for the land. A land leveler can be used to create a more consistent surface, which can improve drainage and reduce the risk of crop loss.
A land leveler is a powerful tool that can help farmers level and smooth out their fields, improve drainage and increase crop yields. it can make a significant difference in the health and productivity of your land.
The land leveler price starts from INR 1.5 lakhs to INR 11.5 lakhs in India and is suitable for the 30 HP tractors to 60 HP tractors available at Tractorkarvan.